Doctor Details

Dr Shradha Subedi

Dr Shradha Subedi

SPECIALTY AREA Infectious Disease Medicine

118 King St
Buderim QLD 4556


Dr Shradha Subedi is an Infectious Diseases Physician and a Medical Microbiologist. Dr Subedi obtained her undergraduate medical degree from the University of Auckland and worked as a registrar in infectious diseases and microbiology in several tertiary hospitals in Queensland, New South Wales and the Northern Territory before relocating to the Sunshine Coast in 2017.

Dr Subedi currently works as an Infectious Diseases Physician and Medical Microbiologist at the Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service (SCHHS) where she is the medical lead for Infection Control. Dr Subedi also works as a visiting medical officer here at Buderim Private Hospital. In addition, Dr Subedi is actively involved in research and teaching and is also a senior lecturer with the Griffith University School of Medicine.

Dr Subedi is available to provide comprehensive consultations on inpatients admitted to the Buderim Private Hospital and outpatients in her private consulting rooms. Her clinical interests are broad and include diagnosis and management of complex community and hospital acquired infections, infections with multi-resistant organisms, bone and joint infections and surgical site infections.