Communicating with us

Communicating with us while you are a patient

Why is this important?

Effective communication with your healthcare provider is essential to ensuring that the care you receive is safe, of a high-quality, and centred around you, the patient.

Effective communication with your healthcare provider has been shown to:

  • Prevent harm during your care
  • Reduce the possibility of you needing to return to hospital
  • Positively influence your health outcomes

When you are in hospital, you will have a number of different healthcare providers looking after you. For example:

  • When there is a change of doctors or nurses
  • If you are moved to the general ward after surgery
  • If you go for a test/ procedure

What can I do to more effectively communicate with my healthcare provider?

You have an important role in ensuring that your care goals, preferences and needs are met.

You have a right to involve your family members, carers or advocate in any communication or decision about your care.  This is particularly important if you are critically ill or need assistance to communicate.

Ways to communicate and participate at transitions of care

If your healthcare provider changes or you are moved to a different room or part of the hospital:

  • Let your healthcare provider know if you need a support person present or assistance to communicate (e.g. an interpreter).
  • Let your healthcare provider know about the medicines you are taking, and if you have any allergies or reactions to medicines.
  • Ask your healthcare provider what to do, or who to contact, if you have questions or problems about your health or the care you are receiving.
  • Speak up if you have any questions or concerns about your care, or any transfers of care.
  • Tell your healthcare provider if you experience any changes to your health. If your family or carer notices a change, they should let the healthcare provider know.
  • Discuss with your new healthcare provider your preferences, expectations and goals of care, including if you have an Advance Care Plan.

Buderim Private Hospital staff will follow the ISHARED handover framework:   

 I Identification  Staff will ask you many times for your name and date of birth.  This is to ensure you are the right person and receive the right care, treatment and results.
 S  Situation This is the reason why you are admitted to hospital.
 H  History Any relevant medical history.  Plan of care in partnership with you.
 A  Assessment Your current condition/ your observations / your results.
 R  Risk Any allergies or patient safety risks (e.g. falls, pressure injury, nutrition).
 E  Expectation Communication from your healthcare team about your plan of care.
 D  Documentation  It is important we document your comprehensive plan of care.
If you are going for a test or procedure:

Ask for more information if you are uncertain about any part of the test or the procedure:

  • How is the test done?
  • How will it feel?
  • Do I need to do anything to get ready for it?
  • Where can I get trusted information about the tests you’ve ordered?
  • How will the results be shared with other doctors/services involved in my care?
  • What is likely to happen after the test or procedure?

When you are being discharged from the hospital:
  • Ask your healthcare provider to explain the plan that you will follow at home, any new medicines you will be taking, and whether you need to make any follow-up appointments.
  • Discuss with your doctor or nursing staff any concerns you have about being discharged.
  • If you have questions that still have not been covered, ask your healthcare provider if there is information you can take with you, or where you can get more information.
  • Ask for contact details for someone on the ward, in case you have any immediate post-discharge concerns.