Our Buderim Emergency Centre team brings you some some helpful tips to stay safe and well this Summer.
💧 Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Remember young children and babies are at greater risk of dehydration than adults.
🍎 Make sure young children are eating and drinking normally, and if not eating as usual, use an electrolyte drink to help maintain their hydration. Be aware that kids can also dehydrate more rapidly if they are sick.
👒 Be sun smart – wear a hat, apply sunscreen, wear loose-fitting clothing, and stay indoors or seek out the shade whenever you can.
🧐 Keep an eye out for elderly neighbours and family members and check in with them daily.
❄️ Use air conditioners if you’re able to and encourage your elderly loved ones to switch theirs on too.
🚿 Cool showers, or a water spray bottle and a fan, are excellent ways to cool down.
🏊♀️ Swim between the flags and always supervise children around water, including pools, dams and at the beach.
🏃 Limit outdoor activities such as exercise and gardening during hot weather, or plan these activities for cooler parts of the day.
🍷 Ensure food is properly refrigerated and avoid drinking alcohol which can cause more rapid dehydration.

Keep an eye out for heat stroke warning signs such as high body temperature, rapid pulse, throbbing headache, dizziness, confusion and nausea, and seek medical attention or call triple zero (000) immediately if you or someone you are with develop symptoms of heat stroke.
Stay safe this summer and remember, if you need us in an emergency, we're here for you 24/7 at our Buderim Emergency Centre. For more info, visit